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Blog home > Craigslist rideshare, Facebook group & Kijiji rideshare vs the benefits of Ridesharing.com

Craigslist rideshare, Facebook group & Kijiji rideshare vs the benefits of Ridesharing.com

Online platforms and applications to find a cheap lift are numerous, but the efficiency of these tools and especially the safety that result from it isn’t the best. In this blog post we will demonstrate why Ridesharing is the first choice to find long distance rideshare in Canada & the United States.

Refine your search among results

The first benefit of Ridesharing.com in comparison to Craigslist and ridesharing groups on Facebook is the performance of the search algorithm for passengers. You do not need to scroll indefinitely a Facebook group to find the right trip from Toronto to Montreal. Simply enter your starting point and your destination to see available rides. By filtering by date, you will then have exactly the offers you are looking for.  


Choose a driver you trust

Drivers who post rides on Ridesharing.com ca can add a photo picture and provide an identification document. When they have already completed a rideshare, you can see the rating left by other passengers, as well as comments. These elements obviously allow you to choose a driver who has a history and to ride with confidence. On a Facebook group or in a Craigslist rideshare offer, it is impossible to know the experience of a driver or to read the comments of previous passengers. Admit that it's a lot better than getting into a stranger's car without any background information!

Join a community

The network of Ridesharing.com has more than 140,000 members looking for a rideshare or offering a lift. We also put in place a number of measures to ensure that our members rideshare according to the legislation in place. There are many members on the internet such as Craigslist who will offer on-demand transportation at high price instead of actual ridesharing. This is obviously not the case on Ridesharing.com. 

Paiement en ligne

Online payment

Online payment is a game changer for Ridesharing.com. The reliability of drivers and passengers is extremely high because of the commitment that comes with online payment. No more hassle for passengers to pay in cash, while the driver no longer needs to give back change or stop at an ATM to get his money.

The guarantee Ridesharing.com

Online payment allows us to offer a Guarantee that is not available on Craigslist, Facebook Groups, Kijiji or Carpool world. If a passenger cancels less than 48 hours before the trip, the driver still gets 50% of the amount paid, while if the passenger simply does not show up, the driver will be paid in full. Obviously, the passenger would be immediately refunded in full if a driver cancels.

With all these benefits, Ridesharing.com is really the best solution for your long distance travels and daily commute carpool! It's up to you to join the community to offer rides or find a lift today!

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The blog provides news and editorials on a variety of topics: ridesharing, travel, sustainable mobility, lifestyle and much more!

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