Discover the benefits of and get the promo code offered to former Allo Stop members. Whether you’re looking for a ride from Montreal to Quebec, to Ottawa or from Sherbrooke, helps you to travel cheaply.
Promo code for former members of Allo Stop offers a promo code to former members of Allo Stop. Use the code allo888 to save $4 on your first long distance rideshare booking. This code is valid until July 1, 2018.
Booking and payment online is a simple, reliable & effective web based ridesharing app. Drivers and passengers sign up for free and can find a daily commute carpool buddy for free. The service covers all of Quebec, Canada and the United States.
Passengers must book and pay their seat online for a long distance rideshare. When booking a seat, passengers pay the amount requested by the driver. Payment is completed online with credit card or Interac. The driver gets his money by bank transfer once the ride is confirmed completed.
The guarantee
If the driver does not show up, he may be banned from the platform, while the passenger gets a full refund, plus a promo code for a future booking.
The passenger can cancel 48 hours before the ride and get a refund of the amount paid for the driver. However, if the cancellation occurs less than 48 hours before the rideshare, the driver gets 50% of the amount. In the event that the passenger cancels less than 2 hours before the trip or if he doesn’t show up, the driver gets 100% of the the money. With this guarantee, the no-show rate has practically dropped to zero, creating at the same time an extremely reliable service!
Benefits for members of
Savings and additional protections on your insurance
Thanks to our partner Intact Insurance, our members can save on their insurance. Find out how